
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Did someone have an accident?

I'm just saying...

I love Ella Moss, but are you serious?

Friday, August 21, 2009

The work is coming, the work is coming!

I realize I have posted nothing in the last few months. That's simply because I haven't had anything to say. Okay, that's never true. Who are we kidding?

But- I may have more motivation to actually start sharing things again because work is coming! Things will be happening, fingers crossed.

I have been keeping plenty busy with the house we just bought however, a huge purchase usually requires money, or so I'm told.

Which brings me to my point: work is coming!

My goals for this "season" are as follows:

1. to have a good attitude about going to work- whether or not these jobs interfere with my personal life and weekend, and/or football games.
2. to take a little bit of ownership at work, to think of the project as mine instead of being "just an assistant" (if it so happens that I am assisting)
3. to pursue more makeup and painting jobs on the side (and again, be happy to get them even if they interrupt my football season, {Go Gators!}, or church, or parties or whatever).
4. to keep blogging about what I like/ interesting things/uninteresting things I can make fun of in regards to makeup, painting and wardrobe. Or whatever else I want.
5. to have this little blog not be embarrassing and therefore have it linked to my website
6. Have a website.
7. To stop making fun of positive thinkers and start to be one- but not post cheesy and embarrassing positive quotes on facebook or here.
8. to be grateful to have this opportunity to be self employed doing what I love- and to get out there and take advantage of it.
9. Take a class or two.
10. I felt like it should be a list of 10. So, I'll say do my hair more.

11. Oh I know! 10 should have been to keep better books!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

One stroke at a time.

Since I've had no makeup or wardrobe jobs the last week and a half or so, I've been trying to get myself back into painting. It usually takes me 3 or 4 paintings to remember how to paint- and one day, in the middle of a brush stroke suddenly a light bulb will go off above my head and the clouds lift and once again, I am a painter.

That hasn't happened yet. I'm still plodding along, stroke by stroke.

This is the hardest part, that sterile blank canvas.

*Notice Felicity in the background. Season One. That is the best series of all time.

I forgot to take a picture any earlier in the process than this:

And, here, I might be done, but I'm not sure.

Its not quite as easy as riding a bike. It must be a different muscle memory. Or brain memory that forgets.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Puppy Love

I've decided that just because I like to do makeup and paint, it doesn't necessarily mean that I'd like to talk about those two subjects all the time, or hardly ever. So, I'm going to talk about whatever I want.

Like the fact that my puppy clock is ticking. I fell in love on Tuesday... he was a chocolate brown, green eyed beauty. It was mutual affection as he snuggled in my lap and looked up at me with eyes that said "take me home and be mine for the next 11 to 14 years..."

*This isn't him, just a cute similar looking guy that popped up on google images. But he was just as precious!

I don't want a baby, I want a puppy. I have a doxie shaped hole in my heart.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My friend the Rock Star.

My best friend Erin is a rock star. She is my social hero, and her bravery in social situations usually blows my little home-bodied mind. Stories of Erin's adventures are stuff of legend in my family. We pass her stories back and forth and welcome newcomers into our circle by telling the tales of Erin.

My favorite story is when Erin introduced herself to Hilary Clinton. The story goes that Hill was in the building where Erin works, possibly getting the grand tour (I made that part up because I have no idea what she was doing in that shiny building in New York) and Erin decides she wants to meet her. She walks right up to her, sticks out her hand and says "Hi Hillary, I'm Erin!"

All this to say that when I got these pictures last week, I was not surprised. When I think of Elton John, I think of Erin. She has always had a love for him that I have not quite understood (although I caught a glimpse of why after we saw Elton John perform at a taping of Jay Leno back in 2002-ish... that man can sing).

(Check out her cool earrings!)

I can just hear her say "Hi Elton, I'm Erin!!!" (I don't know what she said to him, only that this picture enhances every bit of coolness I already knew she had).

Jane Krakowski of 30 Rock Fame also had the pleasure of meeting Erin (although, Erin didn't know quite who she was "I guess she's on 30 Rock or something?") The story goes that the chatted about how cute each other looked (which is funny, because when I saw the picture, I thought Erin was the one in red.)

Although I like to live vicariously through her, I'd prefer to just hang out with her. If only NYC and AZ were a bit closer...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Thin, Naturally.

Let me preface this by saying that I love Bethenny Frankel. She is by far my favorite housewife
and is freaking hilarious. Her one liners pretty much seal her as my hero. Phrases like "holy inappropriateness" and "I was sweating like a whore in church." I mean, how can you get any better than that? Her wit is so quick it causes whip lash to the somewhat slower cast mates.

All this to say that when Bethenny came out with her book Naturally Thin, naturally, I bought it. I enjoyed the read, because well, I enjoy Bethenny. I really liked her 10 principals on being naturally thin, they all really made since to me during the first half of the book. The second half of the book where she puts her principals into action and shows the reader how she really lives- I could not even slightly relate.

I'm sorry, I'm hungry. I do not even understand how to "taste everything, eat nothing". I eat because I'm HUNGRY. I don't want to have a "bite of a donut, throw out the rest". Or order a side salad and split it. Its a salad! Or have chicken noodle soup and eat only the broth and chicken, maybe a few noodles. To her credit, one of her "rules" for this non-diet, diet is to "Know thyself"- eat how you want to eat, don't eat what anyone else tells you to.

I want to know who in their right mind would order a $5 latte from Starbucks, have a few sips and then throw it out? "Naturally thin people do this all the time". I would be broke, and hungry.

I also cannot relate when she talks about sometimes forgetting to eat lunch, or being too busy to get around to it until 4!?!? I'm sorry, forget to eat? That has never happened to me, ever. Holy cow, I would be naturally murdering people out of hungry anger... and my head would be pounding so hard I couldn't see straight.

But then again maybe that's why I'm not naturally thin. I eat my food, I don't just taste it.

*I should probably mention that I lost a pound and a half this week without really trying. So, I'm not quite sure why I'm so pissy about the whole thing.

Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm on fire.

So a few weeks back I made the trip to Ventura to paint a mural for Cold Steel (high performance knives). They just came out with a new pepper spray called Inferno (thus the painting of huge flames and the word INFERNO sprawled across the 45x11' wall) and shot an infomercial in front of it. I seriously cannot wait to see that video! The employees were the victims of the spray- I am pretty glad I don't work there anymore- if just for this reason alone. I hope they all get bonuses.

So here is the progression:

Now for the employees going above and beyond their job description:

As you can see, the product really works!